Successful Project Management
DAY 01
DAY 02
- Project Management in Context
- The Causes of Project Failure
- The Impact of Project Failure
- The Framing Exercise
DAY 03
DAY 04
DAY 05
DAY 06
- (PDF): Project Charter Submissions
- (PDF): The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
- (PDF): Predecessors and Successors
- (PDF): LAB D
DAY 07
Review 05 | (PPTX) |
Giving a Project Presentation | (PPTX) |
Assignments, Estimates and Costs | (PPTX) |
Lab 05 | (PPTX) |
DAY 08
Project Charter Feedback Sessions |
DAY 09
Review 06 | (PPTX) |
The Critical Path Method | (PPTX) |
Status Tracking and Reporting | (PPTX) |
LAB 6A | (PPTX) |
LAB 6B | (PPTX) |
Review 07 | (PPTX) |
Closing a Project | (PPTX) |
Outsourcing | (PPTX) |
Final Presentation Guidelines | (PPTX) |
AGILE Software Development | (PPTX) |
Selecting the Rigt PM Method | (PPTX) |
FINAL Project Plan Instructions | (PPTX) |
Great ideas mean very little without effective execution to make them a reality. Project management is about bringing ideas into reality in a structured and controlled way. It is an important skill that allows you to define the scope and nature of what is to be done, estimate the needed time and resources, create workarounds for the risks that might arise, ensure the proper tracking as things progress, and evaluate the lessons learned for use in subsequent projects. This class covers all areas of project management for effectively implementing a successful product development cycle, and is specifically tailored to help plan your capstone project.
Intended learning outcomes
Upon completing the subject, students will be able to:
Professional skills
- assess the risks and limitations of projects
- develop a work breakdown structure and schedule
- assess the resource needs of projects
- deal with ongoing project tracking, reporting, and adjustments
- strategically plan objectives and develop a comprehensive plan
- enable the Masters capstone project to be accomplished successfully
- apply the project management approach to any discipline
- develop concepts by looking at opportunities
- plan strategically
- determine worthiness of a project
Students will be introduced to:
- cultivating ideas to become concepts and concepts to become projects
- developing a project scope and charter
- developing a work breakdown structure, project hierarchy, and schedule
- identifying and procuring resources needed for the project
- managing ongoing projects
- step-by-step final project development
- Activity
- Lecture
- Workshop
- Critique
To introduce students to case studies, theories and principles related to information design
Putting principles into practice with short in-class exercises
To allow students to learn from the strengths and weaknesses of their peers and to provide a framework for evaluating the effectiveness of the students. projects from various perspectives
Assignment 1: Scope Definition (5%)
All projects begin with a project scope that incorporates clear measures of success (MOS). In this assignment you develop the scope definition for your final project.
Assignment 2: High-level Achievements and Sub-achievements (5%)
A project scope is further broken down into high-level achievements (HLA) and sub-achievements (SA). These provide additional detail regarding what needs to be accomplished in the project. In this assignment you will develop the high-level achievements and sub-achievements for your final project.
Assignment 3: Assumptions, Risk, and Charter (5%)
All project goals and plans are based on assumptions. It is important to define as many as possible prior to starting to plan your project. These assumptions also allow for risk analysis. Major and minor risks need to be carefully considered when crafting the project plan. These, along with the Scope, HLAs & SAs, combine for form your formal project charter. In this assignment you will complete the charter for your final project.
Assignment 4: Work Breakdown Structure (10%)
The actual work to be done is contained in the project.s Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). In this assignment you create your WBS and enter it into Microsoft Project.
Assignment 5: Predecessors (10%)
The flow of work is determined by figuring out the order in which steps need to happen. Complex projects are often comprised of sub-projects, which are full projects in themselves. It is important to determine what needs to occur before something else can occur. Defining predecessors helps us achieve this. In this assignment you will add the predecessor relationships to the WBS created in Microsoft Project.
Assignment 6: Duration Estimates and Resources (10%)
Assignments 4 and 5 provide the basic structure of your final project. Each of the defined tasks will last a certain length. Estimating task (or overall project) duration is both a skill and an art. In the first part of this assignment you will assign durations to each of the tasks using Microsoft Project. Each task also needs to have resources allocated to it. For the second part of your assignment you will enter these into your project.
Assignment 7: The Critical Path (10%)
The critical path is the stream of tasks that most greatly affects your project. In this assignment you.ll identify your critical path and optimize it.
Assignment 8: Tracking and Status Reporting (10%)
This assignment deals uses a simulated project to help you understand how to monitor and manage your project once it begins.
The assignment will be completed within a provide Microsoft Project file. During this week you will also be expected to continue working on finalizing the plan for your final project.
Assignment 9: Draft Project Plan (10%)
This assignment has two parts. First, you will complete your draft project plan. Second, you will present it to the class for feedback.
Assignment 10: Final Project Plan (25%)
Barkley, B. (2007).Project Management in New Product Development. McGraw-Hill Professional.
Billows, D. (2011). Essentials of Project Management. The Hampton Group, Inc.
Cusumano, M. A., & Kentaro, N. (1998). Thinking Beyond Lean: How Multi Project Management is Transforming Product Development at Toyota and Other Companies. Free Press.
England, E. & Finney, A. (1998). Managing Multimedia, Project Management for Interactive Media. (2nd ed.) Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley Professional.
Griffen, A., & Somermeyer, S. ().The PDMA ToolBook 3 for New Product Development. Wiley.
Highsmith, J. (1999).Agile Project Management: Creating Innovative Products. Addison-Wesley Professional.
Karniel, A., & Reich, Y. (2011).Managing the Dynamics of New Product Development Processes: A New Product Lifecycle Management Paradigm. Springer.
Kerzner, H. (2009). Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling. Wiley.
Project Management Institute (2008). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, Fourth Edition.
Project Management Institute (2004). Practice Standard For Earned Value Management.
Project Management Institute (2007). Practice Standard for Scheduling.
Project Management Institute (2004). Practice Standard for Project Risk Management.
Project Management Institute (2006). Practice Standard for Work Breakdown Structures.
Verma, V. K. (1997). Managing the Project Team Volume 3. Project Management Institute.
Webb, A. (2000).Project Management for Successful Product Innovation. Gower Publishing Company.